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Links Shader Toy - Build and Share your best shaders with the world and get inspired.Euc - Software rendering crate that lets you write shaders with Rust.The Book of Shaders - Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders. (HN ) (HN )ShaderLand 3D Game Shaders For Beginners - Step-by-step guide on how to implement SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game.Playing around with shaders (2019) Open Shading Language - Advanced shading language for production GI renderers.SHADERed - Lightweight, cross-platform & full-featured desktop tool for creating and testing HLSL and GLSL shaders.Getting started with shaders: signed distance functions (2020) Naga - Experimental shader translation library for the needs of gfx-rs project and WebGPU.Software Renderer - Shader-based software renderer written from scratch in C89.MatCaps - Huge library of MatCap textures in PNG and ZMT.Shader Doodle - Friendly web-component for writing and rendering shaders.Collection of shaders to draw color maps ShaderConductor - Tool designed for cross-compiling HLSL to other shading languages.The RTX Shader Binding Table Three Ways (2019) ShaderTutorials - Shaders For People Who Don't Know How To Shader, a tutorial series for beginners.The future of RLSL (2020) A Note on Branching Within a Shader (2020) Tiny Shading Language Slang - Shading language that extends HLSL with new capabilities for building modular, extensible, and high-performance real-time shading systems.Shadershop - Interface for programming GPU shaders in the mode of a direct manipulation image editor like Photoshop.Circle C++ shaders Shading techniques and GLSL snippets Rasen - Generate SPIR-V bytecode from an operation graph.smol-compute - Tiny library for launching compute shaders on D3D11 and Metal.Futureproof - Live editor for GPU shaders, built on Zig, Neovim, and WebGPU. (Web )CineShader - Real-time 3D shader visualizer.pmfx-shader - Cross platform shader system for HLSL, GLSL, Metal and SPIR-V.GLSLX - GLSL type checker, code formatter, and minifier for WebGL. (Web )live-glsl - Lightweight GLSL live-coding tool for macOS. (Web )grimoire - Cross-platform live-coding tool for creative coding with GLSL shaders.How to read shader assembly (2021) Lygia - Granular and multi-language shader library designed for performance and flexibility.The case of the curiously slow shader (2021) Shader School - Introduction to GLSL shaders and graphics programming that runs in your web browser. (HN )Shader Coding Shader Workshop (2021) Compute Shader 101 (2021) (Code ) (HN )Shader Place - Real-time collaborative GLSL livecode editor.Shaders For Game Devs - YouTube Monochromatic Portraits with GLSL (2019) GIPS - GLSL Image Processing System. Applies filters written in the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL).GLTF -> React Three Fiber (Code )Pilka - Live-coding tool for creating shader demos, Vulkan powered.Sh4derJockey - Tool for shader coding and live performances.GLSL Linting for VS Code - Supports linting of GLS (OpenGL Shading Language).Shadergarden - Create evolving artistic images with hot-code-reloaded Lisp and GLSL. (Article )Skia shaders in Compose Desktop (2021) (HN )Nuance - Tool to run your shaders on the gpu. Also a good demo application for wgpu-rs.Unified Shader Programming in C++ (2021) (HN )Shader playground - Uses VisualShader of Godot.Prefix sum on portable compute shaders (2021) (HN )The fun of playing with shaders glslViewer - Flexible console-base OpenGL Sandbox to display 2D/3D GLSL shaders without the need of an UI.GlslCanvas - Simple tool to load GLSL shaders on HTML Canvas using WebGL.Frickin' Shaders With Frickin' Laser Beams (2021) (HN )GLSL-PathTracer - Physically based path tracer that runs in a GLSL fragment shader.GLSL Shading Language Issue Tracker A Simple Shader for Point Lights in Fog (2020) matcap - GLSL shaders for calculating/rendering Spherical Environment Maps, or "matcaps".marching.js - JavaScript library that compiles GLSL ray marchers."Super Imposter" shader: my journey to make a high quality imposter shader A Review of Shader Languages (2022) (HN )Pure CSS Shaders Art - Shaders art made with pure CSS.Neon Playground - Interactive & intuitive way to build shaders without having to write any code. (Tweet )A Shader Trick (2022) (HN )Functional shading languages Shader Park - JavaScript framework for creating real-time 2D and 3D shaders. JS -> Shader. (Web ) (HN )Wombat - Efficient texture-free GLSL procedural noise library.Shaderity - Useful shader toolset.Rendering Point Clouds with Compute Shaders Visualizing Complex Numbers Using GLSL (2022) ShaderGraph - Library for linking together GLSL snippets into stand-alone shaders. It is mainly meant to build complicated shaders 100% programmatically.Taichi Voxel Challenge MiniShadertoy - Tiny webGL shader playground. (Code )Rhea Grass - Geometry-shader based grass for Unity's Universal Render Pipeline.Simple WebGL Fragment Shader Editor (Code )CrossShader - Tool for cross compiling shaders. Convert between GLSL, HLSL, Metal Shader Language, or older versions of GLSL.Shader examples Shader translation benchmark (2022) Shaders Playground - From "The Book Of Shaders". (Code )shame - Shader EDSL for writing render and compute pipelines in rust.Shades - Rust EDSL for shading languages.Spatula - Create beautiful shader materials in the browser and generate your JavaScript. (Code )GLSL Shaders GLSL Shaders from Scratch Nemutas | Works GLSLCanvas4AE - After Effects Plug-in to write GLSL with a format of glslCanvas.