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Zig libraries


  • parg - Lightweight argument parser for Zig.
  • zig-clap - Simple command line argument parsing library.
  • Zig Argument Parser - Simple-to-use argument parser with struct-based config.
  • mibu - Pure Zig library for low-level terminal manipulation.
  • zig-cli - Simple package for building command line apps in Zig.
  • zig-arg - clap-rs inspired arg parser library for zig that supports both subcommand, nested subcommand and flag.


  • h11 - HTTP/1.1 parser for Zig.
  • Routez - HTTP server for Zig.
  • Apple Pie - Basic HTTP server implementation in Zig.
  • ZHP - HTTP server written in Zig.
  • Zig Network - Small network abstraction layer around TCP & UDP.
  • zig-serve - Server implementations for several protocols in Zig. Includes http(s), gemini and gopher.
  • rem - HTML parsing library, written in Zig.
  • zfetch - HTTP request library for Zig with HTTPS support.
  • HTTP - HTTP core types for Zig.



  • charm - Zig version of the Charm crypto library.


  • zgt - Zig GUI Toolkit.
  • tvg - Tiny Vector Graphics.
  • zig-cairo - Thin wrapper for the cairo 2D graphics library.
  • ZGL - Zig OpenGL Bindings.
  • brucelib - Monorepo of modules for programming cross-platform games, simulations, engines and editors.
  • Phyz - 2D game physics for Zig.
  • glTF parser - glTF 2.0 parser written in Zig, aiming to replace the use of some C/C++ libraries.


  • zee_alloc - Tiny Zig allocator primarily targeting WebAssembly.
  • wasmtime-zig - Zig embedding of Wasmtime.
  • wasmer-zig - Zig bindings for the Wasmer WebAssembly runtime.
  • zig-wasm3 - Zig bindings (and build system integration) for Wasm3.


  • ZigKit - Native Zig bindings for low-level macOS frameworks.


  • VecFns - Automatic Vector Math Functions In Zig.


  • AsyncIOUring - Event loop in Zig using io_uring and coroutines.


  • regz - Zig code generator for microcontrollers.
  • MicroZig - Unified abstraction layer and HAL for several microcontrollers.


  • Marble - Metamorphic testing library for Zig.
  • proptest.zig - Property testing library for zig.


  • Zig Deploy - Deploy your iOS apps written with Zig.


  • Zig ECS
  • Upaya - Zig-based framework for creating game tools and helper apps.
  • zalgebra - Linear algebra library for games and computer graphics.
  • zld - Zig's lld drop-in replacement.
  • Mecha - Parser combinator library.
  • Dida - Differential dataflow for mere mortals.
  • zang - Audio synthesis.
  • zig-protobuf - protobuf 3 implementation.
  • zap - Asynchronous runtime with a focus on performance and resource efficiency.
  • Zig itertools - Improved rewrite of the python itertools library to Zig.
  • ziglyph - Unicode text processing.
  • Zigstr - UTF-8 string type.
  • Zig Interfaces - Dynamic dispatch for zig made easy.
  • hyperia - Playground of Zig async code.
  • zigimg - Create, process, read and write different image formats with Zig.
  • simdjzon - Port of simdjson, a high performance JSON parser.
  • zig-nodejs-example - Node.js Native Module written in Zig.
  • sokol-zig - Auto-generated Zig bindings for the sokol headers.
  • known-folders - Provides access to well-known folders across several operating systems.
  • zig-graph - Directed graph data structure for Zig.
  • ish - Sketches for Zig.
  • zig-libgc - Implements a Zig allocator that uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative Garbage Collector (libgc, bdwgc, boehm-gc).
  • Cosmic - Single binary tool for building graphical and cli apps in JavaScript/TS.
  • zjson - Minimal JSON library with zero allocations.
  • Zig Generator - Async generator type for Zig.
  • ctregex.zig - Compile time regular expressions in zig.
  • zoltan - Sol-inspired minimalist Lua binding for Zig. (Article)
  • zzz - Simple and boring human readable data format for Zig.
  • ctradix - Comptime radix tree in Zig.
  • protozig - Complete implementation of protobuf in Zig.
  • HeaderGen - Automatically generate headers/bindings for other languages from Zig code.
  • zig-libgit2 - Zig bindings to libgit2.
  • Adma - General purpose, multithreaded capable slab allocator for Zig.
  • Getty - Serialization framework for Zig.
  • json - Serialization library for JSON.
  • Concepts - Compile-time validation of type constraints.
  • hzzp - I/O agnostic HTTP/1.1 parser and encoder for Zig.
  • zig-yaml - YAML parser for Zig.
  • inon - Data serialization format in Zig.
  • nats.zig - Zig Client for NATS.
  • s2s - Zig binary serialization format and library.
  • uuid6-zig - UUIDv6 implemented in Zig.
  • zig-docker - Zig bindings for the Docker Engine API.
  • zlog - Zero-allocation log library for Zig.
  • mustache-zig - Logic-less templates for Zig.
  • Cuckoo Filter - Production-ready Cuckoo Filters for any C ABI compatible target.
  • Zort - Implementation of 13 sorting algorithms in Zig.
  • audiometa - Audio metadata/tag reading library written in Zig.
  • Metron - Zig library for writing micro-benchmarks.
  • Vortex - Structured concurrency in Zig.
  • any-pointer - Type erasure library for Zig.
  • zig-deque - Double-ended queue implementation in Zig.
  • Zig-TOML - TOML parser written in Zig.