- Awesome Babel
- ts-babel - Example project showing how to use babel with TS with pipelines.
- Jason Miller on Modern JavaScript and the Future of preset-env (2020)
- Nicolò Ribaudo - How to write your first Babel plugin (2019)
- babel-plugin-transform-define - Compile time code replacement for babel similar to Webpack's DefinePlugin.
- Babel Docs (Code)
- babel-plugin-macros - Allows you to build simple compile-time libraries.
- Codemods with Babel Plugins (2021)
- babel-plugin-codegen - Generate code at build-time.
- Building a Debugger: Code Analysis - Crash course in writing your own Babel plugin.
- Babel Polyfills - Set of Babel plugins that enable injecting different polyfills with different strategies in your compiled code.
- babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises - Babel plugin to transform async functions containing await expressions to the equivalent chain of Promise calls with use of minimal helper functions.
- babel-preset-modernize - Babel preset that converts transpiled ES5 code to ES2017. It can remove most polyfills, even when they're inlined. (Tweet)