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File systems Links TMFS - Apple's Time Machine fuse read only file system.sparsebundlefs - FUSE filesystem for reading macOS sparse-bundle disk images.Understanding Google’s File System (2020) mergerfs - Union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices.gefs - Good enough file system.libfsapfs - Library to access the Apple File System (APFS).proper-lockfile - Inter-process and inter-machine lockfile utility that works on a local or network file system.How do you lay out your home directory? (2020) RISC-V OS using Rust: Filesystems (HN )Sanoid - Policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS filesystems. When combined with the Linux KVM hypervisor, you can use it to make your systems functionally immortal.UtahFS - Encrypted storage system that provides a user-friendly FUSE drive backed by cloud storage. (Article ) (HN )Writing a file system from scratch in Rust (2020) (Lobsters ) (HN )Filesystem deduplication is a sidechannel (Lobsters )Files by Dan Luu (2019) Non-POSIX file systems (2020) (Lobsters ) (HN )Filesystems for dummies (2020) gcsfuse - User-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage.Apache Helix - Near-Realtime Rsync Replicated File System. (HN )The Second Extended File System - Also known as Ext2.bindfs - FUSE filesystem for mirroring a directory to another directory, similarly to mount --bind. (Web )Practical File System Design (1999) Virtual filesystem: fun and profit (2019) Files Are Fraught with Peril (2019) (HN )An Introduction to ZFS (2020) (HN )vmtouch - Portable file system cache diagnostics and control. (Code )Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad (2020) (HN )Supertag - Tag-based filesystem, written in Rust, for Linux and MacOS. (Docs ) (Lobsters )DwarFS - Fast high compression read-only file system. (HN )ID mapping for mounted filesystems Filesystem and Database are not cutting the problem space right (2020) (Lobsters )The Perils of File Typing (HN )vfs - Virtual filesystem library written in Go.dino - Distributed FUSE filesystem for small volumes.Exploring the IBM Graphical Filesystem (Lobsters )organize - File management automation tool.JuiceFS - Distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.GoDFS - Simple Distributed FileSystem written in Go. (Article )TiFS - Distributed file system based on TiKV.HyperTag - Helps humans intuitively express how they think about their files using tags and machine learning.sandboxfs - Virtual file system for sandboxing.GitHub File System - With this filesystem you can use GitHub from your favorite shell and text editor.Dirhash Standard - Formal procedure for hashing of a filesystem directory.The No-Order File System (2012) (HN )PiFS - Data-Free Filesystem.S3QL - File system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack.Envfs - Fuse filesystem that returns symlinks to executables based on the PATH of the requesting process.GotenksFS - File system on top of your file system.Writing a file system from scratch in Rust (2020) Query-FS - Virtual filesystem implemented using FUSE in Common Lisp. (Talk )CrossFS - Direct-access cross-layered file system with support for concurrency.A Survey of Distributed File Systems (1989) libfsrefs - Library and tools to access the Resilient File System (ReFS).netfuse - FUSE-based abstraction for networked filesystems.go-fsimpl - Go filesystem implementations for various URL schemes.ImpFS - Novel filesystem with some interesting features.rpg-cli - Your filesystem as a dungeon.Log-structured File Systems nullfsvfs - Virtual black hole file system that behaves like /dev/null.ffs - File filesystem: mount semi-structured data (like JSON) as a Unix filesystem. (Web ) (Tweet )fbox - Easy to use and maintain distributed filesystem written in Go.Zip – How not to design a file format (2021) (HN ) (Lobsters )Facebook's Tectonic Filesystem: Efficiency from Exascale (2021) AppFS - Universal packaging format that is presented to the system as a filesystem (via FUSE).FastCFS - High performance distributed file system for databases, K8s and VM etc.The future needs files (2021) (HN )Examining btrfs, Linux’s perpetually half-finished filesystem (2021) Goofys - High-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go.GeeseFS - High-performance, POSIX-ish S3 (Yandex, Amazon) file system written in Go.libzetta-rs - Stable interface for programmatic administration of ZFS from Rust.APFS FUSE Driver for Linux Fuse-Archive - Program that serves an archive or compressed file (e.g. foo.tar, foo.tar.gz, foo.xz, foo.zip) as a FUSE file system.Flatdata - Write-once, read-many, minimal overhead binary structured file format.AetherFS - Virtual file system for small to medium sized datasets (MB or GB, not TB or PB). Like Docker, but for data. (Web )ChubaoFS - Cloud native distributed file system and object store.The Tree Structure of File Systems (2021) (Lobsters )Designing better file organization around tags, not hierarchies (HN )We saved millions in SSD costs by upgrading our filesystem (2021) (HN )edwork - Decentralized, distributed read-write filesystem.I'm “still afraid to use spaces in file names” years old (HN )Libnvmmio - User-level file system designed for byte-addressable non-volatile memories.rusix - Distributed filesystem in Rust.Bcachefs: The COW filesystem for Linux that won't eat your data (Lobsters )zectl - ZFS Boot Environment manager for Linux.Diskplorer - Disk latency/bandwidth grapher.ZboxFS - Zero-details, privacy-focused in-app file system. (Web )The fastest way to copy a file? (2021) (HN )BetrFS - File system that uses Bε trees. (HN ) (Code )gocryptfs - Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go.Replacing an unavailable ZFS drive (2021) Deark - Utility for file format and metadata analysis, data extraction, decompression, and image format decoding.vfile - Small and browser friendly virtual file format that tracks metadata (such as a file’s path and value) and messages.vach - Virtual filesystem, specifically made for games.pifs2 - Compile-time data-free filesystem.Parallel Disk Usage (pdu) - Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer.wasi-vfs - Virtual filesystem layer for WASI.Littlefs - Little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers. (HN )UnreliableFS - FUSE-based fault injection filesystem.The time has come to replace file systems (2022) (HN )AnyFS - Simple filesystem which stores metadata using JSON.rust-vfs - Virtual filesystem for Rust.When and why to deprecate filesystems (2022) File systems can experience at least three different sorts of errors (2022) (HN )zchunk - Compressed file format that splits the file into independent chunks.Pillager - Pillage filesystems for sensitive information with Go.WarpDrive Go - Warp across your filesystem in ~5 ms.HashFS - Content-addressable file management system.The Unexpected Importance of the Trailing Slash (2022) (HN )pingfs - File system where the data is stored only in the Internet itself,
as ICMP Echo packets (pings) traveling from you to remote servers and back again.Merged FS: Compose Multiple Go Filesystems composefs - a file system for container images (2021) Rust FAT FS - FAT file system library implemented in Rust.Spacedrive - Open source cross-platform file manager, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem (VDFS) written in Rust. (HN )CharybdeFS - ScyllaDB fault injection filesystem.rmlint - Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your file system.memfs - In-memory file system in Rust.Catfs - Cache AnyThing file system written in Rust.Rust FUSE library for server, virtio-fs and vhost-user-fs dbs-fuse - Utilities for tokio/tokio-uring based async IO.afs - Abstract File Storage.elmerfs - File system that leverage Conflict Free Replicated Data Type CRDT on top of AntidoteDB to be eventually consistent in a active-active geo distributed scenario.Ask HN: Why don't file systems and OS's provide file system transactions? (2022) Squashfs-Tools - Tools to create and extract Squashfs filesystems.Pandoras Box - Intuitive and encrypted in-memory filesystem (VFS).Muxfs - Mirroring, checksumming, and self-healing filesystem layer for OpenBSD. (HN )