Novel data storage blockchain protocol enabling a permanent serverless web and creating truly permanent data storage for the first time.
- Sam Williams: Arweave – Bringing Permanence to the Web (2020)
- Sam Williams, Arweave (2019)
- Arweave: A Protocol for Economically Sustainable Information Permanence
- Verto Exchange (Code) (Discord)
- Arweave Apps
- Arweave JS - JS/TS SDK for interacting with the Arweave network and uploading data ot the permaweb.
- PermaSee - Arweave's permaweb search engine.
- SmartWeave - Simple, scalable smart contracts on the Arweave protocol. (Intro)
- cacheweave - Arweave caching made simple.
- ArDrive - Permanent, decentralized, uncensorable public file sharing app built on the Arweave network. (Code) (App)
- Arweave Open Web Fellowship (2020)
- ArGo - Deploy with ease on Arweave Permaweb.
- Arweave Wiki
- ArVerify - Trusted verification for the Arweave network. (GitHub)
- Weve - Decentralized mail system, running on the Arweave network. (Code)
- arGQL - JavaScript/TypeScript package that makes interaction with the Arweave GraphQL endpoint simple and easy.
- Arweave Gateway
- So you Find Yourself in a Bubble, Founder? | Arweave Open Web Fellowship (2021)
- SmartWeave Testing - Testing SmartWeave contract the easy way.
- arweave-rs - Arweave Rust SDK.
- arlocal - Run a local Arweave gateway-like server.
- Textury - Developer tools for the permanent web. (GitHub)
- arkb - Arweave Deploy that saves you data costs.
- Arweave: Why It's So Exciting (2021)
- SmartWeave SDK v2 - Implementation of the SmartWeave SDK.
- Ardk - JavaScript/TypeScript SDK for interacting with the Arweave network.
- Scar - Arweave Explorer. (Code)
- Arweave Server - Official Erlang implementation of the Arweave protocol and a gateway implementation.
- Arweave Names Service - Domain Names Service - Gravatar hybrid on the Arweave network.
- ArConnect - Secure wallet management for Arweave. (Tweet)
- Arweave NFT Metadata Uploaded - This package can be used to create metadata files on the Arweave network.
- Permanent, decentralized data storage with Arweave featuring Sam Williams (2021)
- Arweave Wiki
- ArDB - Best way to interact with the weave, without having to write any GQL and trying to remember param names.
- arienai - Hardware wallet for Arweave. For Cortex M3 processors.
- Permacast - Permanent podcast hosting and discovery, powered by Arweave.
- 3em - Blazingly fast, secure, reliable, multi-language execution environment for smart contracts inside the Arweave ecosystem.
- ARchivers - Repository for TwittAR and ARticle - Two tools which record tweets and articles - permanently storing them on Arweave via Bundlr.
- Awesome Arweave
- Akord - Permanent storage and end-to-end encryption. (Twitter)