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Getting Started With Erlang Awesome Erlang Syn - Global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang.ErlPort - Connect Erlang to other languages.Gradualizer - Gradual Type System for Erlang.Rustler - Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions. (Introducing Rustler Precompiled )Ten Years of Erlang (2019) (HN )Learn you some Erlang book Relx - Sane, simple release creation for Erlang.Rebar3 - Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications and releases. (Web ) (Plugin Template ) (Article )Erlang/OTP - Programming language and runtime system for building massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability.Enigma VM - Simple Erlang VM implementation in Rust.ErlangRT - Attempt to make Erlang runtime (BEAM emulator) in Rust.BEAM VM Wisdoms (2019) - In-depth knowledge such as VM internals, memory layout, opcodes etc. (HN )Adopting Erlang - Ongoing effort to gather all the resources that will help you use Erlang in a business. (HN )Lumen - New compiler and runtime for BEAM languages.EΜtudes for Erlang book - Companion exercises for introducing Erlang. (Code )Spawned Shelter - Collection of the best articles, videos and books for learning Erlang.Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger book - This book intends to be a little guide about how to be the Erlang medic in a time of war. (Code )AtomVM - Tiny Erlang VM. (HN )Anton Lavrik - A Reflection on Building the WhatsApp Server - Code BEAM 2018 erlexec - Execute and control OS processes from Erlang/OTP.Hex - Package manager for the Erlang ecosystem. (Code )Blog from the Erlang/OTP team Erlang Language Server Protocol Implementation Advent of Code 2019 done in Erlang videos Erlang Programming Language - Computerphile (2019) History of Erlang A History of the Erlang VM (2011) Matching binary patterns with Erlang (Lobsters )Erlang/OTP 23 (HN )Optimising for Concurrency: Comparing and contrasting the BEAM and JVM virtual machines (2020) (HN )A Peek Inside the Erlang Compiler (2012) (HN )Erlang Coding Standards & Guidelines Program Development Using Erlang - Rules and Conventions Erlang/OTP Volume I: A Concurrent World Functional Programming in Erlang - Learn the theory and practice of functional programming in Erlang, through practical exercises and suggested projects.Erlang/OTP Tutorials escript - Provides support for running short Erlang programs without having to compile them first, and an easy way to retrieve the command-line arguments.The Erlang Runtime System (HN )Erlang dbg Intro (2020) (Lobsters )Concurrency In The Erlang VM (2020) LFE: Lisp Flavored Erlang (HN )Avoiding GenServer bottlenecks (2018) Scaling Erlang Developer Experience at WhatsApp (2020) (HN )Implement BeamAsm β A JIT for Erlang/OTP (HN )SpawnFest - Annual free online BEAM-related development competition.Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir A Pipeline Made of Airbags (2020) (Lobsters )Caramel - Erlang backend to the OCaml compiler. (Introducing Caramel ) (Web ) (HN ) (HN 2 )Elli - Erlang web server for HTTP APIs.A brief introduction to BEAM (2020) (HN )The BEAM marches forward (2020) LFE - Lisp Flavoured Erlang. Lisp for those who want to build distributed applications. (Web )Erlang Ecosystem Foundation - Supporting the BEAM community.Erlang: A first look at the JIT (2020) (HN ) (Lobsters )Why Typing Erlang is Hard: Standard Erlang (2020) system_monitor - BEAM VM monitoring and introspection application that helps troubleshooting live systems.Chasing a Performance Regression with Erlang/OTP 22 (2020) Pyrlang - Drop-in Erlang node implementation in Python 3.5, implementing a network Erlang node protocol.Planet Erlang - Meta blog that collects posts from the blogs of various Erlang developers and contributors. (Code )erlfmt - Automated code formatter for Erlang.erlang-systemd - Simple library for notifying systemd about process state.The Erlangelist - Erlang related musings. (Code )erlang-questions - General Erlang/OTP discussions.eflame - Flame Graphs for Erlang.Gun - Erlang HTTP client with support for HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket.Sesterl - ML-inspired typed Erlang.Quartz - Statically typed, concurrent programming language for the BEAM VM based on the actor model.kerl - Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances.Erlang Dead Code Cleaner (Article )Poolboy - Hunky Erlang worker pool factory.Gproc - Extended process registry for Erlang.A few notes on message passing (2021) (HN )"Systems that run forever self-heal and scale" by Joe Armstrong (2013) BPE: Business Process Engine (Web )Bitcask - Log-Structured Hash Table for Fast Key/Value Data.Erlang/OTP 24 Highlights (2021) (HN )Erlang Solutions - Scalable Distributed Technology.My Road to Erlang (2008) ERLUP - Manage multiple Erlang installs with per directory configuration.hackney - HTTP client library in Erlang.The Development of Erlang (1997) (HN )Cowlib - Support library for manipulating Web protocols.Erlang Enhancement Process (Web )Beam Community (GitHub )Concuerror - Stateless model checking tool for Erlang programs.Death, Children, and OTP (2021) Detecting Oxbow Code in Erlang Codebases with the Highest Degree of Certainty (2021) Syn - Global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang and Elixir.Decentralized ETS Counters for Better Scalability (2021) erl_dist - Rust Implementation of Erlang Distribution Protocol.Why Erlang? (HN ) (Lobsters )Guide to Tracing in Erlang FancyFlow - Experimental Erlang library to bring convenience of things like the elixir pipe operator into Erlang.CauDEr - Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugger for Erlang.jsone - Erlang JSON library.ETC - Erlang Type Checker Prototype Based on Bidirectional Typechecking.WhatsApp scaled to 1B users with only 50 engineers (HN )Erlang Forums Languages, and about languages, on the BEAM The Many-to-One Parallel Signal Sending Optimization - Erlang/OTP (2021) Announcing the new erlang.org (2021) Decentralized ETS Counters for Better Scalability (2021) erldb - ORM implementation in Erlang.Nova - Web framework for Erlang. (Web ) (HN )Erlang: The Movie (2012) Erlang: The Movie II: The Sequel (2013) 100 Years of Erlang | Quinn Wilton (2021) Leveled - Simple Erlang Key-Value store based on the concept of Log-Structured Merge Trees.Apns4erl - Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang.PGO - Erlang Postgres client and connection pool.efmt - Erlang code formatter.Everything you need to know to start contributing to Erlang (2021) A Tour of Curve25519 in Erlang (2020) (HN )Ram - In-memory distributed KV store for Erlang and Elixir.Thoas - Blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.Why I Program in Erlang (2012) Erlang/OTP profiling: fprof (2022) Erlang Patterns of Concurrency Beam Bloggers Webring - Webring for bloggers in the BEAM Ecosystem (Erlang, Elixir, Gleam, LFE, etc). (Code )Erlings - Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Erlang code.Erlang zlist - Lazy sequences library.equery - Library for PostgreSQL SQL generation.ExRated - Elixir OTP GenServer with the naughty name that allows you to rate-limit calls to any service that requires it.Zotonic - Erlang Web Framework & CMS. (Code )gpb - Google Protobuf implementation for Erlang.Erlang online resources codec-beam - Generate Erlang VM byte code from Haskell.How private are Erlang private functions? (2018) Erlang Handbook power_shell - Advanced system-wide Erlang shell capabilities. Evaluates Erlang code loaded from the module debug information, or source file.Erlang Image Manipulation Process erlperf - Collection of tools useful for Erlang profiling, tracing, memory analysis and more. Scalability and performance inspection.spg - Scalable Process Groups.argparse - Command line parser for Erlang.spell1 - LL(1) parser generator for Erlang and LFE.Type-Based Optimizations in the JIT (2022) Eir Project - Erlang compiler and IR implemented in Rust.Introducing Rebar3 TypEr (2022) erl_ast - Rust library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees of Erlang programs.WhatsApp Raft - Erlang implementation of RAFT from WhatsApp.Erlang grammar for tree-sitter erl_rpc - Erlang RPC Client for Rust.Partisan - Flexible, TCP-based membership system for Erlang/Elixir.Is Erlang an albatross to Elixir adoption? (2022) nuntius - Erlang/OTP library to mock registered processes.Erlang/OTP 25.0 Release (2022) (HN )Ironclad - Erlang type checker.beamcode - Rust library to encode / decode Erlang BEAM instructions.The How and Why of Fitting Things Together - Joe Armstrong (2013) The hunt for a cluster-killer Erlang bug (2021) (HN )My favorite Erlang Container (2022) (HN )N2O - Embeddable message protocol loop library for WebSocket, HTTP, MQTT and TCP servers.epgsql - Erlang PostgreSQL client library.eqWAlizer - Type-checker for Erlang. (HN )